The Health Benefits and Risks of White Wine

Red wine gets all the commendation and praise when it tackles health benefits. And while red wine established its contribution, it now opens the question: Is white wine good for you? Does it have a wide array of health benefits? Is it healthier to drink than a glass of red wine? 

Today, we will discuss everything you need to know about white wine. This article includes its health benefits, micronutrients, and the health risk of too much consumption.

Ready to discover more? Then bring out your best glass because we are about to put white wine in the spotlight! 

White Wine and Its Nutritional Value


White wine is the ideal choice if you’re a citrus lover. Who wouldn’t love the crispier, citrusy, and aromatic nature of this type of wine, right? From the name itself, white wines ferment from peeled white grapes. These lessen the number of tannins that go into the wine. Thus the straw-yellow-colored beverage. 

Since white wines ferment without the grape skin, they lose healthy compounds like resveratrol. However, being deficient in those compounds does not make it any less compared to red wines. According to the USDA, a five FL oz (147g) white wine contains the following nutritional value:

White Wine Nutritional Value
Calories 121
Total Fat 0%
Sugars 1.41 g
Sodium 7.35 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg
Total Carbohydrates 3.82 g
Protein  0.1 g
Calcium 13.2 mg
Iron 0.4 mg
Potassium 104 mg
Magnesium 14.7 mg
Alcohol 15.1 g

White wine contains 15.1% alcohol and 82.23% water. The remaining percent contributes to fat, carbs, and protein. 

Watch this video to know which white wine is best for your taste: 

5 Health Benefits of White Wine

You may have heard — a thousand times — how red wine works wonders for your health because of the grapes of the skin. And it is true how beneficial red wine is, based on several studies. But today, let us shine a light on its zesty cousin: the white wine. 

  • It is beneficial for your brain: While there is currently no cure for declining cognitive function, being smart with your food choices is one option to protect your brain. Aside from brain foods, research show that white wine can keep neurological diseases at bay. A study in 2018 examined the effects of white wine on Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology. Results showed that mice who had polyphenols from white wine had lower chances of acquiring cognitive problems.
  • It is beneficial for lung function: A study presented by University at Buffalo showed that drinking white wine appears to be good for the lungs. Nutrients found in white wine account for the positive effect of alcoholic beverages on lung function. Both dietary and blood serum levels of antioxidants (such as flavonoids and phenols) showed a link to better lung health and activity.

What Makes White Wine Healthy: Micronutrients and Compounds 


White wine contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help with the cardiovascular system, cell activity, and more. To further understand how these work, let us dissect the micronutrients and compounds that make white wine healthy.

Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory

From the name itself, antioxidants fight oxidative stress caused by imbalances in cells and tissues. Smoking and radiation are some activities that create free radicals that cause inflammation and damage in the body.  

Flavonoids, polyphenols, and caffeic acid compounds found in white wine all have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps protect your heart against diseases and reduces cancer risk. 

According to a recent study, Chardonnay contains the most antioxidant among all white wines.

Vitamins and Minerals

White wine contains a small dosage of essential vitamins and minerals. But the most abundant mineral found in white wine is potassium. Potassium has three major functions in our body. 

  • It helps maintain a regular heartbeat. 
  • It aids nutrients to move into the cells and waste products out of the cell. 
  • It helps nerves to function so muscles can contract. 

Other minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.

White wine also contains vitamins such as B6 that are important for normal brain development. Others are 3% Vitamin B2 and 3% Niacin. 

Recommended Amount of White Wine In A Day


 Just because white wine offers a variety of health benefits doesn’t mean you should overindulge. Moderation is always the key to a healthy lifestyle. But how much is it when we say moderation? 

According to CDC, less than two drinks for men and less than one drink for women in a day. Also, note that a standard wine U.S. drink size is five ounces with an ABV of 12%. Anything above is considered hard drinking and may cause a short and long-term health risks. 

So if you want to reap the health benefits instead of getting the opposite, stick to moderate drinking guidelines. 

What Happens If You Drink Too Much White Wine?

In general, too much alcohol in the bloodstream can cause life-threatening conditions. Women who consume eight drinks and men who drink 15 or more per week are considered heavy drinkers. 

According to CDC, death rates from alcohol in the senior population rose more than 18% from 2019 to 2020. Some of the symptoms to watch for in alcohol overdose are:

  • Mental confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Seizure
  • Trouble breathing
  • Slow heart rate
  • Clammy skin
  • No gag reflex
  • Low body temperature

Short-Term and Long-Term Health Risks


Short-term health risks are often the result of binge drinking alcohol. And among the most common ones is vehicular accidents. Statistics show that every day, 32 people lose their life from alcohol-impaired drivers. That is nearly 12,000 people each year! Be a responsible drinker and driver to reduce the risk of harm to yourself and others.

Long-term health risks, on the other hand, are the result of prolonged excessive drinking. High blood pressure, weakened immune system, and liver disease is some of its consequences. 

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology showed that women who drank white wine or hard liquor had higher chances of acquiring rosacea, a long-term inflammatory skin condition.

Rosacea presents redness of the skin and rashes on the nose and cheeks. Although, the researchers suggest more studies are needed to know for certain if alcohol does cause rosacea. 

Is White Wine Healthier Than Red Wine?


With thousands of research on red wine available online, it is easy to say that red is healthier than white wine. While red wines have established health benefits, white wines are still in the process of creating their own. But let us not disregard what it can offer. 

Set aside the general comparison, and consider the health aspect you want to focus on first. Do you want your cholesterol levels to lower? Do you want your lung to function better? Do you want to enjoy your wine without the sugar spike?

In a 2-year randomized controlled trial, a study determined the cardiometabolic effects of moderate alcohol intake in a person with well-controlled Type 2 Diabetes and whether the type of wine matters.

Results showed that red wine significantly increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol), while participants who drank white wine showed better blood sugar controls.  

Both red and white wines can be beneficial, depending on the health concern you want to address. But ultimately, it is still best to consult your doctor.

To know more about red and white wines, watch this video: 

Take Away

Akin to red wine, white wine also offers health benefits when consumed in moderation. White wine can protect your vital organs, especially the kidneys, heart, brain, and lungs. It can also aid in weight loss while following a strict calorie count. 

Drinking white wine or any alcohol requires a great deal of responsibility. It pays to follow the recommended amounts of white wine to protect yourself and others. So eat smart and be a responsible drinker. Your organs will thank you for that! 

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