How Much Wine to Get Drunk? (Chart)

Drinking wine can be acceptable every once in a while. However, keeping yourself from intoxication is also essential. If you want to know how much wine to get you drunk, you came to the right place.

How Much Wine do you Need to Get Drunk?


The amount of wine needed to feel drunk varies for each individual, but for many, it could be around three to four glasses. Remember, everyone’s tolerance to alcohol differs. It’s because the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) will reach the minimum amount of drunkenness at 0.25 percent.

The BAC is calculated based on your weight. Someone with higher weight can get drunk much slower than those with a lower number. To compare the numbers, here are the estimated BAC based on weight.

Weight Blood Alcohol Content (per 12 oz.)
Under 100 lbs. 0.9
101-150 lbs. 0.08
151- 200 lbs. 0.06
201-250 lbs. 0.04
200 lbs. and up 0.03

Of course, this data doesn’t account for a lot of factors. For example, two people can drink the same amount of wine and have different effects on their bodies. Factors such as sex, age, and metabolism significantly impact how fast a person can get drunk.

Under American law, people with more than 0.08 BAC are legally intoxicated. So, ensure you are not behind the wheel after more than two servings of wine. If you want to get into more in-depth the factors to look for, continue reading below.

All About Wine’s Alcohol Content


Like any alcoholic drink, wine also has what is called Alcohol by Volume or ABV. The higher the ABV is, the higher the amount of alcohol. While most beers have an ABV of 4-6%, wines double that at 12-15%.

For example, Muscadet has a lower ABV at below 12 percent, while Spanish Sherry has above 14.5 percent. It means that a Spanish Sherry glass can make you drunk faster than a glass of Muscadet. There are four main categories for ABV in wines: low, moderate, high, and very high.

Type ABV Examples
Low Below 12% ABV
  • Vietti ‘Cascinetta’ Moscato d’Asti
  • Broadbent Vinho Verde
  • Broc Cellars Valdiguié Nouveau
Moderate 12.5-13.5% ABV
  • Ant Moore, Signature Series Sauvignon Blanc
  • Cabriz Touriga Nacional White
  • Catalina Sounds Pinot Noir
High 13.5-14% ABV
  • Argentine Malbec
  • South Africa Stellenbosch
  • Italian Veneto
Very High 14.5% and up
  • Madeira
  • Spanish Sherry

If you want to get drunk a lot slower, you can opt for wine within the low ABV level.

Although it’s a common misconception, beers have a lower ABV than wine. Since beers have the image of being a potent drink, many think that wine has a lower alcohol level. This misconception leads to many opting for wine when beers will keep you away from being drunk.

Factors on Getting Drunk


To ensure that you can lower your ABV, you should look out for a variety of factors, such as:


As stated earlier, people with bigger sizes are akin to tolerating alcohol more. The intolerance is due to the greater amount of blood in their system. It means they can consume much alcohol with less ABV in their system.

If you are under 100 pounds, you should consume around half a serving of wine to ensure you don’t get drunk. Meanwhile, people with 200 pounds and higher can drink three total servings of wine and not get drunk.


It’s no secret that women tend to get drunk faster than men. It has to do with metabolism and hormones.

Women have a lower amount of dehydrogenase, a compound that breaks down alcohol. Most men have double the amount of dehydrogenase compared to women. Due to this compound, a man’s body has a quicker time metabolizing alcohol.

The amount of water in men is also higher than in women. Water can break down alcohol which can remove drunkenness faster.


Metabolism is an integral part of controlling your intoxication. While most have a perfectly good metabolic process, some people with health issues have difficulty digesting alcohol.

For example, people with damaged livers can have difficulty releasing suitable compounds to metabolize alcohol. Certain factors such as age also affect the competency of the metabolism process. As the age grows, the metabolism is also much slower.

Race and Genes

Genes and race can be an essential part of digesting alcohol. Most Asian and Native Americans have a gene that makes them process alcohol much slower.

Asians also have an Alcohol Flush Reaction or Asian Flush. It’s a reaction where the areas such as the face, neck, and back redden. The flush is due to acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which is present in the Asian population, especially in the East.

The compound results in a higher heart rate even with allowed alcohol consumption. It also makes some Asian have a faster and more potent level of intoxication.

Signs of Intoxication


To ensure that you notice your drunkenness, you should look for signs of intoxication. By knowing that you are slowly getting drunk, you can instantly stop to catch yourself. Although wine is excellent, we don’t want to get caught up in intoxication.

Increased Excitement

An increase in happiness or a certain level of euphoria is present at the early signs of intoxication. You might find yourself laughing a lot more and lowering your guard. The increase in happiness is due to the hormones triggered by the consumption of alcohol.

The level of euphoria can also be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Alcohol gives a relaxed state and can trigger a cozy feeling.

Decreased Inhibitions

When drunk, many people will lower their inhibitions. It’s also one of the most dangerous effects of getting drunk. Ensure to keep yourself on guard, especially with unfamiliar places and people.


Slow brain processes can happen when intoxicated. You might find understanding what someone is saying is harder. Doing basic things such as talking and listening can be more challenging. You can also have a hazy memory when experiencing confusion via alcohol.

Dizziness and Upset Stomach

Your vision can swirl around and cause dizziness. In turn, you can have the urge to vomit when intoxicated. An upset and aching stomach can also trigger this response.

Make sure that if someone you know starts showing this symptom, give them some food or water. That is due to the alcohol absorption triggering a response in the digestive system. It can also be a sign of alcohol poisoning.

Loss of Coordination

Loss of coordination due to dizziness and blurred vision can make your actions harder. Your speech can be slurred, and walking can be a daunting task. When this starts happening, make sure to stop the wine intake immediately.

Loss of body coordination can make driving and operational work hard to do. Sitting behind wheels is not recommended when the amount of alcohol is causing you to lose coordination.

How to Not Get Drunk Easily?


Now that you know the different factors in being drunk let’s learn how to avoid getting drunk quickly. Through these steps, you can decrease the chance of getting intoxicated. You can enjoy your delicious wine more without getting drunk fast.

Keep in Mind the Drink’s Size

When drinking, large quantities can get you intoxicated even with smaller ABV. To ensure that you can have the perfect amount of wine, mind the serving sizes of your drink.

Most of the time, the 12-ounce glass is the standard serving size. However, some restaurants and bars have bigger or smaller glasses, so keeping your drink’s size in mind can help you regulate your drink.

Don’t Drink with an Empty Stomach

Food and water are excellent tools to keep you from being drunk. It’s also one of the reasons why most wines are served after eating. Ensure your stomach is not empty when drinking to keep you less intoxicated.

Food can line up your stomach and absorb the alcohol, making it easier to digest. Conversely, water can make your metabolism faster by breaking down the alcohol.

Keep a Nice Pace

Don’t gulp down a large serving of wine all at once. Although taking sips can be seen as a poised way to drink your wine, it also helps with intoxication. You shouldn’t take in a large amount of alcohol all at once.

It keeps your body away from processing the alcohol much better. It can also shock your system, making it slower to break down the alcohol.

Drink Wine with Lower ABV

If you want to get drunk slower, opting for drinks with lower ABV can help you. It provides an alternative without the large amounts of alcohol. Wine with lower ABV is also better for those new to drinking. It gives a lighter and fruity hint.

Know You Alcohol Tolerance

Your alcohol tolerance can help you know what amount of alcohol you can intake. By knowing your limits, you can make yourself safe from intoxication.


In Summary

Wine is excellent with the help of responsible drinking. Through this guide, you can ensure that you know how much wine you can intake before being drunk. Keeping track of your alcohol intake can provide a much nicer time.

How Much Wine to Get Drunk

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